Collective training in a rooftop of Jacarezinho, a favela in northern Rio de Janeiro where this dance was created.
A young girl performing in a cypher training in Jacarezinho, a favela in northern Rio de Janeiro where this street-dance was born.
Barefoot passinho in Jacarezinho, Rio de Janeiro.
Passinho culture is evolving through the observation of videos, proudly shared on youtube by dancers from all Brazil, and that they easily gain thousands of views on social networks.
Parque da Madureira is a point of aggregation for thousands of young guys in the northern zone of Rio, and it's where several passinho's battles and shows take place.
Street training in the new area of favela de Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro north zone. Passinho dancers started to include acrobatic breakdance moves in order to develop a more personal style.
Young boy peering fascinated a passinho training in Jacarezinho, Rio de Janeiro.
Rehearsal before a passinho show in Joao Caetano theatre (Rio de Janeiro), a rare opportunity for interaction between the culture of the favela and the middle class Brazilian who rushes to discover this new dance, a blend between samba and breakdance.
Rehearsal before "Na Batalha" show in Joao Caetano theatre (Rio de Janeiro), a rare opportunity for interaction between the culture of the favela and the middle class Brazilian who rushes to discover this new dance.
Baile funky in favela do Jacarezinho, where this street dance was born during the well-know saturday night party.
A "cracudo" (crack addicted) breaks into the scene during a Saturday night's baile funky in favela do Jacarezinho. Jacarezinho means little crocodile in brazilian.
Vadinho Freire, funk MC, waits his turn behind the scenes during the show "Na Batalha." He's a very talented singer who spreads the culture of favela through his lyrics. The show, which continues to gain great success in Rio de Janeiro, then arrived in New York at the Lincoln Center.
Applauses at the end of "Na Batalha" show at the Joao Caetano Theater of Rio de Janeiro. In July 2014 this show arrived in Lincoln Center of New York.